Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello Ecommerce People!!

   Hello, and welcome to my newly designed Blog!!
      This is my first blog, but after playing around with some settings, I am comfortable with the look and the feel of it. I have to admit that I was a little scared to enter the “blogging universe.” 
Pam and I at Las Vegas ! Wow, I love it there.
      Well, I want to formally introduce myself to you all, and try not to go on a tangent. My name is Christopher Ricevuto, I'm 25 years old and I was born and raised in the Bronx (NY). E-commerce is my first course in the Banking & Financial Services Management (MSBFSM) at Boston University. I am very excited to start this new venture of my life, these next 12 courses are going to fly, I'm sure! I love to travel to new places, learn new things, as well as being an avid sports junkie. I currently reside in Brighton, MA, and if you were wondering – Yes, I AM a Yankees fan. Why would I leave the great city of New York and go to “enemy lines” you ask? That answer is very simple; a job.
       I moved to Boston about a year after I graduated my undergrad (Finance and Economics) from Iona College in New Rochelle, NY. To be perfectly honest, it was very difficult leaving my friends and family behind. I am a very family-oriented person and truly cherish my relationships with the many different people in my “fam”…they are a big piece to my life. I have some of the most creative and different – different in a good way – friends. As for my girlfriend, she is the most trustworthy person I know, not much more I can ask from someone like her (Aww, I know LOL). I am extremely lucky to have met and know all of these people in my life.
      I’ve always had a knack for working – I have worked at many different types of places, doing different types of work, and really getting to know different types of people and interactions with them. For instance, I’ve worked at a supermarket, a camp counselor, security guard for the Mets, in the money room for the Yankees (that was the BEST), and now I am a Grant Manager for MGH (http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/chgr/) – not trying to sound like I’m posting my résumé on my Blog, I just wanted to get the point across that I am always in contact with all types of people. Just like this course at BU, people are from all over the States, and I wanted you all to get to know me a little better…I hope I did that in this post.
Good luck all, and See you Later! :-D


  1. Chris very nice post! Good to meet as well. I liked your approach.

    I'm in the same boat, my family is the most important aspect of my life and I've being away for 11 years (due to work)

    I've met very good friends but I would like to start my own business so I can have more flexibility or maybe not... but at least I would like to give it a try.

    Is this your first class??

  2. Many thanks Luis!

    Yes this is my first class for the Banking & Financial Services Management program (I just edited the blog to reflect that).

    Must be hard working so many years away from home. Hope all is well!


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